1. About us
  2. Company
  3. Vision

Business philosophy and Vision

LT Metals promotes happiness through technological progress.

Business philosophy
"The pursuit of happiness in customers, members and society through people and technology.""
Core values
Ideal talent
A specialist who leads sustainable change and progress through team work and passion.

Management Innovation

LT Metal focuses on activities in the management innovation to achieve "Global Leader in Precious Metal" as the corporate vision through constructing the best manufacturing system for the global business and to realize "LT at the First Place" by securing the cost competitiveness (innovation), structural innovation in the product/manufacturing (simplicity), and world-top speedy productivity/quality level (speed) three years in advance in strengthening the implementing abilities above all.


LT Metal has an axis in the innovative activities to promote the right product, right people and right process for the innovation tasks/projects according to the initiative directions of innovation and yearly change plan in detail focusing on the strategic directions for each business in accordance with goals generated from Y+3 per LT Metal's business characteristic. CPT (Champion Project Team) has generated many best practices with its activities to secure our inherent core capabilities for the most economic and effective solutions by searching for the big Y tasks greatly affecting the business, as well as constructing the cross functional team from the team building with the use of advantages in the teamwork in addition to 6 Sigma. This excellent performance has shown the excellent achievements including grand prizes with the sharing of best practice from LT Metal Festival and group innovation activity competitions.


LPI (LT Profit Innovation) has led the structural product/production innovation with no waste through the incessant innovation activities for the manufacturing competitiveness with the continuous improvement activities, through which our company is seeking for the increase of management performance through the realization of strong sites, strong talents and strong company. We are generating the synergic effects with improvements on the existing sites through activities with subgroups and suggestions, while seeking for the acceleration of innovative activities for each product in the business and concentration of core capabilities through BMS (Block Management System) as the autonomous management system per block, as well as FIT (Fast Innovation Team) activities through the good experience and dissemination of executive models.